Oct 20, 2016

PS3 Jailbreak 4.80

PS3 Jailbreak 4.80 - Jailbreak PS3 4.80


Finally we are hearing some good news about PS3 Jailbreak 4.80 which has been released and it is available to download. Yes, PS3 Jailbreak 4.80 has been arrived finally. You might have to perform some steps and instructions in order to jailbreak your device. This time frimware 4.80 has been jailbroken by codeman and cobra group.

PS3 Jailbreak 4.80 - Instructions
In order to proceed for jailbreaking the device, first you would have to download the launcher tool whi


STEP 1: Plug a USB stick into your computes

STEP 2: Create a folder in the root of the USB stick called PS3

STEP 3: Create a folder inside the PS3 folder called UPDATE

STEP 4: Download PS3 Jailbreak 4.80


STEP 5: Run Downloader and start downloading PS3UPDAT.PUP file which will be downloaded on your desktop

STEP 6: Move PS3UPDAT.PUP to the directory UPDATE that you just created on the USB stick

STEP 7: Plug the USB stick into your PS3

STEP 8: Navigate to Settings Tab

STEP 9: Choose System Update

STEP 10: Choose Update via Storage Media

STEP 11: It will say it found Version 4.70-jb

STEP 12: Choose OK

STEP 13: Accept Conditions and Install Update

STEP 14: After less than a minute, your PS3 will update, beep 4 times then shut down.

STEP 15: Power up your PS3 (You will have to do it on the console and not by the controller)

STEP 16: Your PS3 is now jailbroken!


PS3 Jailbreak 4.80 - Proof

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